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Which Is a Better Long-Term Investment: Lab-Grown vs. Natural Diamond Rings

Close-Up Photo of Diamond Stud Silver-colored Eternity Ring

Natural diamonds are formed over the course of millions of years under the pressure of the earth’s crust. They are then mined, cut, and polished. The same steps are performed on a lab-grown diamond but in a different environment. 

The method used for creating a Lab Grown Diamond drastically reduces the creation process from millions of years to a few months. This article will cover the differences between natural and lab-grown diamond rings. We will also assess which of the two makes a better long-term investment. So, keep reading to learn more. 


Differences Between Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds Rings


  1. Cost Difference

The prices of lab diamonds are still fluctuating constantly. A few years ago, lab-grown diamonds were approximately 23 to 25% more costly than natural diamonds. However, natural diamonds are now considerably more expensive than lab-grown diamonds. In rare cases, lab-grown diamonds are even 50 to 60% cheaper. 

Lab-grown diamond prices are dropping startlingly with no signs of halting or slowing down. Many people who are choosing between the two consider this price difference to be a crucial factor. 

Since lab-grown diamonds can be purchased at a discounted price while offering the same carat, cut, clarity, and colour as natural diamonds, consumers on limited budgets often choose lab-them over natural diamonds. 

This significant price difference is because of supply. Given that it takes nature billions of years to generate a diamond, the supply of natural diamonds is limited. However, there is no supply restriction with synthetic diamonds. Thus, as supply increases, the price falls steadily.


  1. Difference in Value 

Apart from the price difference, there is also a difference in the value of natural and synthetic diamonds. Lab-created diamonds are often difficult to resale and yield low-profit margins. Whereas real diamonds often maintain approximately 50% of their actual worth. When you purchase lab-grown diamonds, you lose a significant portion of their worth.

Another thing we need to consider is how the cost of lab-grown and natural diamonds changes with time. As time passes, the value of natural diamonds increases while the price of lab-grown diamonds falls. 

Therefore, even before considering the resale value difference, your natural diamond will be worth more than a lab-grown diamond. 


  1. Difference in Appearance 

The naked eye cannot distinguish natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds. Little quantities of nitrogen are present in natural diamonds. However, there is none present in lab-grown diamonds. This difference is an indicator gemologists look for when distinguishing between a lab-grown or natural diamond.

Examining the “strain patterns” of the diamonds can also help distinguish between natural and lab-grown ones. These patterns develop on diamonds when the amount of pressure varies around them, putting them under stress. 

You will likely find mosaic or cross-hatched strain patterns on lab-grown diamonds as they can endure pressure variations. Lab-grown diamonds often exhibit weak or no strain patterns because they undergo fewer pressure fluctuations. It takes a strong microscope and a trained eye to detect differences between naturally occurring and lab-grown diamonds.

The simplest approach for a jeweller or buyer to determine whether a diamond is natural or lab-grown is to look at the gems’ certifications, describing the production method.


Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds: Which Are Better? 

You can easily buy a much bigger diamond because lab-grown diamonds are priced between 30 and 50% less than real diamonds. 

Lab-grown diamonds are a great alternative to natural diamonds if you are not worried about their resale potential. That said, you would still receive more value than what you paid for. 

However, an element of rarity exists with natural diamonds. A natural diamond retains its value better than a diamond produced in a laboratory because of its rarity. According to the fundamental principles of supply and demand, an increase in demand results in an increase in value, particularly when there is a limited supply. Lab-grown diamonds might not retain their value over time. Thus, if the market becomes oversaturated, resale prices continue to fall.

Since lab-grown diamonds are chemically identical to real diamonds, they are certified. Currently, the International Gemological Institute has verified the majority of lab-grown diamonds. 

For screening and differentiating between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds, GIA has developed advanced tools.

During the past few years, the cost of lab-grown diamonds has decreased while demand has increased. While lab-grown diamonds are valuable, they are not comparable to the worth of natural diamonds.


How Well Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Compare to Natural Ones?

Investing in diamonds makes it natural to wonder whether lab-grown diamonds pass as real diamonds. The answer is yes. Lab-created diamonds pass the test for authenticity since they are genuine and identical to natural diamonds. Moreover, they have the same chemical composition. Nonetheless, specialised laboratory equipment can distinguish between lab and natural diamonds.

Due to the effectiveness of lab diamond creation, they can be produced for 20 to 30% less cost than real diamonds. Natural diamonds require expensive mining operations and billions of years to create. The production of lab diamonds requires far less land than mining does. 

Only lab diamonds certified by the IGI or GIA are recommended by gemologists. They are recognised as the most thorough and accurate graders. 

The value of lab diamonds in the future is unknown. No one can accurately anticipate the future value of lab-created diamonds since they are a disruptive gem for the jewellery industry and lack a solid historical basis. 

The truth is that a diamond’s resale value, whether synthetic or genuine, will never equal the price you originally paid for it. Others believe that in the upcoming years, the price of lab-created diamonds may increase to equal that of genuine diamonds.


Final Word 

Lab-grown diamonds are produced in a matter of weeks using cutting-edge technology to mimic the conditions that produce diamonds in nature. In comparison, natural diamonds are developed over millions of years deep under the earth’s surface. Although the physical and chemical characteristics of both types of diamonds are identical, certain variances impact their worth and appeal. 

Since lab-grown diamonds don’t have the same extraction and mining costs as natural diamonds, they are relatively cheaper. Moreover, lab-grown diamonds are often seen as being more environmentally friendly because they don’t have the same environmental impact as diamond mining. 

Nonetheless, given the perceived prestige and rarity of real diamonds, most people prefer them over lab-grown diamonds. Natural diamonds also have a long history of being used for luxury jewellery and often hold sentimental value for some individuals. 

The choice between lab-grown and natural diamond rings ultimately comes down to personal preferences and desires. Both options offer certain advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to thoroughly weigh these aspects before making a choice. If you want to purchase high-quality diamonds, visit Varoujan Jewellers today!

by Australian Diamond Brokers : May 10th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.