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Weird Signs He Is Going To Propose

A man proposing a woman


When you’ve been with your partner for the longest time, you understand them better than anyone else. But what if they start behaving weirdly all of a sudden? Now, this can make you curious and wonder what they are up to. Chances are that they might be planning to pop the question. Yes, you got that right! Your partner is preparing to propose to you and doesn’t want you to find out until the time is right. But to make things less stressful for you, here are some weird signs he is going to propose

Weird Signs He Will Propose

Overly Protective Of His Phone

Now this is one of the signs that can make you suspicious but relax it could be that he’s searching online for engagement ring jewellers. After all, statistics show that 90 per cent of all purchases start with research online and 63 per cent of searches are carried out on mobile phones. 

So, don’t assume the worst. Keep calm and try to connect the dots because when someone loves you, he will go the extra mile to delight you. 

Ring Buzz

Another weird sign could be that lately, he’s been interested in knowing the size of your finger or that one of your rings has been missing from your jewellery box. This could mean he is trying to find the perfect ring in the right size. So, if that is the case, play along, but indirectly, do let him know your size so that he buys the ring that fits you and is not a struggle to wear on the day he proposes.

Developed Sudden Interest In The Jewellery You Like

There is definitely something fishy if your man begins complimenting your jewellery and notes whether you like yellow or rose gold. His behaviour might get even weirder if he asks you what you think about your bestie’s engagement ring or points out the celebrity ring in a magazine. 

Chances are that he’s noticing jewellery more than usual because he’s shopping for it, too, or that he’s trying to figure out what you like to get the right one that sweeps you off your feet. 

Indeed, when it comes to shopping for engagement rings, there is a large variety to choose from. Your man can find himself in deep waters if he is unfamiliar with your preference and liking. So, assist him by providing him with detailed answers to his unusual and random questions. 

Goes For Shopping And Buys Nothing

This is strange and yet another sign that he will propose to you. After all, who goes shopping and comes home with nothing? He is probably visiting numerous engagement ring shops to find the perfect ring to put on your finger. 

Moreover, apart from choosing the ring, he might spend secretive time making all the arrangements so that everything is absolutely magical—exactly as you have pictured. 

Fashion Advice

Another sign that indicates an upcoming proposal is when your man tells you what to wear on the upcoming date night. This gets weird if he’s the guy who usually couldn’t care less about fashion or loves you the way you are- even when you are in your pyjamas. 

Also, if he has included your best friends in this setup, you might find them taking you out casually for a pedicure or a manicure. So, when those around you show unusual interest in your appearance, it could be a sign that a proposal is in the works. Watch for these hints – your dream proposal might be closer than you think!

Financial Planning

Financial preparations for a proposal typically entail careful budgeting and saving, particularly for the engagement ring—a symbol of commitment and love. If your partner shows increased caution with expenses or mentions saving more than usual, it’s likely he’s preparing for this meaningful purchase. Saving for an engagement ring demonstrates his dedication and readiness to invest in your future together. 

It also reflects his desire to provide a token of his commitment that aligns with your expectations and reflects your shared values. These financial preparations not only signify his practical readiness for marriage but also his emotional commitment to making this moment special and significant for both of you. 

By prioritising financial planning, he demonstrates foresight and responsibility, ensuring that the proposal and subsequent plans for your life together start on a stable and thoughtful foundation.

Talks About Your Future Together

If your partner has been initiating more discussions about your future together, such as living arrangements, career aspirations, or starting a family, it suggests he’s contemplating a long-term commitment, potentially leading to marriage. These conversations indicate he’s envisioning a shared life with you, aligning his goals with yours and ensuring your aspirations harmonise for a future that includes more profound commitment and mutual growth. Such discussions often pave the way for a proposal as he prepares emotionally and practically for the next significant step in your relationship.


Do Australian men act weirdly when proposing?

Yes, proposing can make anyone anxious and nervous, including Australian men. The pressure to create a memorable moment, fear of rejection, and the significance of the event often lead to nervousness, stumbling words, and awkward gestures. It’s a universal experience that reflects the emotional weight of the proposal.

Do men pull away before they propose?

Generally, yes because of two reasons- either they are planning a surprise proposal, or they want to think it through if they are ready for a big commitment. 

What does it mean if he starts acting nervously or strangely?

Sudden changes in behaviour, such as increased nervousness, anxiety, or secrecy, might indicate that he’s planning a proposal. The anticipation and excitement can lead to unusual behaviour as he tries to keep the proposal a surprise.

Why might a man act financially cautious or start saving more before proposing?

Proposals often involve purchasing an engagement ring and planning for a future together. Men may become more financially cautious or focused on saving to ensure they can afford the ring and contribute to future plans.

When does he realise that he wants to marry you?

A man typically realises he wants to marry someone when he envisions a future together that feels fulfilling and joyful. This realisation often occurs as he deepens his emotional connection, sees shared values, and imagines building a life with his partner that aligns with his long-term goals and aspirations.

How can you communicate your ring preferences to him effectively?

You can subtly communicate your ring preferences by casually mentioning styles you like. Show him pictures of rings you find appealing or point out styles you admire. Another approach involves friends or family members who can gently express your preferences. This indirect approach allows him to understand your tastes without feeling pressured, ensuring the ring reflects your style and sentiment.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, if your man is acting weird lately and asking random questions, it could be that a proposal is on the way. If you can, advise them to visit ADB, especially if you want them to get you the perfect diamond ring. 

Australian Diamond Brokers is an experienced and reliable team of passionate diamond jewellery specialists and designers. We are the preferred engagement ring jewellers in Sydney. At ADB, we are dedicated to offering our clients only the best and highest-quality diamonds with unique designs. 

We work with passion and sheer integrity to provide jewels that make you sparkle and shine wherever you go. So, make an appointment today and shop with us for authentic diamonds as pure as your love.  

by Sonny Hovsepian : July 26th 2024 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.