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How To Write A Wedding Speech

Groom giving a wedding speech


Is your best friend, colleague, or family member getting married? While they’re busy planning the big day or searching for an experienced and trusted diamond jeweller to get a custom ring designed for their better half, you should also take the time to craft meaningful words to put an even bigger smile on their faces.

Giving a wedding speech is a big honour – one that you must take very seriously. The good news is that proactively learning how to write a wedding speech can make the process less challenging.

If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry; we can help. In this guide, we’ll share the best steps to write a memorable and heartfelt speech that wows everyone at the event. Let’s get started:

Steps To Writing A Memorable Wedding Speech

Here’s how to write a wedding speech: 

1. Introduce Yourself To The Crowd At The Event

Start by writing an intro about yourself. Wondering why? Well, maybe the groom’s friends and immediate family may know you, but other guests attending the wedding may not. Therefore, writing a short, fun intro about yourself makes sense, like who you are, how you know the couple, and your role in the wedding. You can choose a style to introduce yourself to, such as formal, funny, light-hearted, or heartfelt. Go with whatever matches your personality. This will also set up the mood for the speech and work as an ice-breaker. 

2. Share Wonderful Memories About Your Friend

You can start with a funny anecdote and then continue with the stories. However, make sure the stories are family-friendly and appropriate for the event – nothing embarrassing. Also, they should be meaningful –highlighting the qualities of the groom and your journey together.

It is advisable to brainstorm. Think of all your memories of the groom so you can select the best ones that truly define the dynamics you share with them and how your friendship has strengthened over the years. 

Also, we recommend up to three stories at most. Besides this, understand the art of storytelling. This means that:

  • Keep the stories punchy and short
  • Keep the beginning clear
  • Add a hook to engage the audience
  • End the story with a positive note 

3. Put The Couple In The Spotlight – Tell Everyone What You Love About Them

When giving a wedding speech, it is easy for people to get carried away. Don’t let this happen to you. That’s why it is crucial to prepare the speech before you deliver. 

One of the critical aspects of an epic wedding speech is to put the spotlight on the woman and man of honour. Explain to the guests what you love about the couple and how their beautiful relationship has inspired you. Also, talk about why you believe these two people are soul mates and perfect for each other. 

4. Big Finish – A Clear Ending

Finishing a wedding speech is as hard as the beginning. It should feel abrupt. Therefore, finish it on a positive note by going casual and humorous. If that’s not your style, you can end it with a slightly more formal touch, like thanking the couple for asking you to give a speech on their big day and saying that you can’t wait to see what the rest of their life together has in store. 

5. Practice Makes Perfect

It’s said practice makes perfect, and we couldn’t agree more. So, once you are done writing your speech, practice and rehearse your speech multiple times so you can make it more engaging and fun. More importantly, practising will make it easier and less daunting for you to deliver your speech at the event without fumbling or missing out on important details.

FAQs For How To Write A Wedding Speech

What should be the length of my speech?

Keep it short and sweet –roughly around three to five minutes. Remember that a long and drawn-out speech can make people lose interest and cause boredom. And you definitely don’t want that, right? So, focus on the main idea and make your speech crisp. It will be easier to understand, engaging, and fun. 

How can I avoid being nervous at the event when delivering my speech?

Practising in front of the mirror is the best way to overcome nervousness and anxiety. Once you have written your speech, start practising it. Speak out loud and clear; this will help you memorise the speech and feel confident. Also, before giving the speech at the event, practice in front of your friends and family members. This will also boost your confidence in speaking in front of a crowd. 

Are there any do’s and don’ts for writing a wedding speech?

Yes. Here are some do’s and don’ts you should know before you get started:

  • Make the speech personal 
  • Include humour
  • Be expressive
  • Spread love 
  • Be Kind
  • Manage time appropriately
  • Maintain eye contact 
  • Share heartfelt wishes for the couple’s future together
  • Avoid clichés 
  • Avoid bringing up unpleasant memories 
  • Avoid reading your speech as it doesn’t look natural

What to do if I don’t get time to rehearse my speech?

If you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to rehearse your speech, simply make cue cards. Write key points on them to stay on track and organised. 

Why should I avoid reading my speech?

There are multiple reasons for this, but the two most important ones are that it doesn’t seem to come straight from your heart. A wedding speech should be personal and heartfelt. It should instantly build an emotional connection, which you can’t if you read it from a paper. 

Another reason to avoid reading is that you can never build a connection with your audience. Hence, when you can’t connect, you won’t be able to touch their hearts, and the speech will feel boring. Therefore, practice your speech and make eye contact with the audience to create a connection. This shows confidence and helps keep the audience engaged.

How can I give my speech a personal touch?

This is easy. The best way to do so is to feel your emotions while writing your speech. Your emotions will add to the authenticity of your speech. So, write the speech from your heart instead of considering it daunting. Remember that authenticity resonates more than trying to be overly clever or humorous.

Wrapping Up

To sum up, giving a wedding speech is an honour. Follow the steps we’ve discussed in this guide to create an engaging speech that will bring happy tears to the couple’s eyes and smiles on their faces. 

And yes, one more thing: if your bestie still hasn’t found the right jeweller, refer them to us. Australian Diamond Brokers specialises in custom-made wedding rings. We take pride in being the go-to diamond jeweller in Sydney for bespoke rings.  Make an appointment today and shop with us. Let us help your bestie custom design the perfect wedding ring for their soul mate.

by Sonny Hovsepian : July 26th 2024 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.