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How to Spot a Fake Diamond: Tips from the Experts

A lady wearing a diamond wedding ring


As a first-time diamond buyer, you may experience mixed emotions. Even though you may be excited about your big investment and feel a sense of achievement, you may experience slight anxiety and nervousness deep down. The latter feelings may be evoked because of the fear of buying a fake diamond. But don’t worry; we have you covered. Serving the industry for more than four decades, here are some of the best and proven tips from our experienced diamond specialists on how to spot a fake diamond. 

Upon reading this guide, you can shop for diamonds confidently and easily tell the difference between real and fake diamonds. So, let’s get started:

Best Tips From The Industry Experts On How To Spot a Fake Diamond

Here are the best tips to spot a fake diamond easily:

No Certification or Forged Certification 

One of the premier authorities for diamonds and their certification is the GIA. Hence, diamonds certified by the GIA include a grading certification listing all the stone’s features. However, sometimes these get forged. So, the best way to deter forgers and spot a fake diamond is to look for the QR code plus the proprietary paper blend. 

Remember, all GIA certificate issuances after 2014 have these details. Therefore, the chances are higher that the stone is fake if their report doesn’t include the proprietary paper blend and QR Code.

Consider Loupe Inspection

This inspection allows potential buyers to spot a fake diamond and determine its authenticity. For this, a 10x magnification loupe is used to examine the stone closely and focus on facet evaluation, where clarity and sharpness speak volumes.

Look for inclusions and blemishes that make real diamonds unique and different from fake ones. The presence of inclusions proves their journey of being formed deep within the earth. 

On the other hand, if the stone looks utterly flawless. That’s a problem. Only a manufactured fake diamond can be flawlessly perfect under magnification. A real diamond will have some form of imperfection, making it natural and perfect.

Fog Test

It is probably the fastest way to determine the authenticity of the diamond. This test determines the thermal conductivity between an impostor and a real diamond. Here are the steps to perform the fog test:

  • First, breathe on the diamond and fog up like you would in a mirror. 
  • As a real diamond has high thermal conductivity, wait for the fog to clear up fast so you can see it sparkle.
  • However, if the fog lingers longer on your stone, it’s an imitation, not real. 
  • If you’re still not convinced, repeat the fog test. The fog test is simple, and the results are fast and reliable.

Water Test 

Consider trying the water test. You will need a glass of water to perform this test. Simply drop your loose diamond into the glass of water. Since diamonds are dense, your loose diamond should have impressive density and sink immediately into the glass. 

But if it floats, you can instantly spot that the diamond is fake. Indeed, the buoyancy comparison of real vs. counterfeit diamonds provides a straightforward way to help you make a confident purchase. 

Seek Expert Assistance

When considering a diamond’s authenticity, seeking professional assistance is a prudent step. Diamond specialists possess the expertise and tools to accurately assess a diamond’s nature. These professionals undergo rigorous training to develop the skills to understand the complexities of gemstones, including their physical and chemical properties. They can distinguish between real diamonds and various simulants, like cubic zirconia and moissanite, which can be hard to assess with the naked eye.

They have access to advanced instruments like diamond testers, which measure the thermal and electrical conductivity of the gem, characteristics unique to diamonds. Furthermore, diamond specialists may employ spectroscopy to analyse the stone’s light absorption and reflection properties, offering more in-depth insights into its composition.

How To Spot A Fake Diamond- FAQs 

Why aren’t the results of the UV Light Examination test considered definitive?

You can’t completely rely on the UV light examination test results because the test looks for the blue glow in diamonds when placed under ultraviolet light. However, if the diamond doesn’t glow or emits a blue light, the results don’t mean that the diamond is an imitation. This is because some diamonds don’t glow while others fluoresce yellow.

What is the heat test?

This test is carried out to check the strength and quality of the diamond. However, it can also help determine its authenticity. To conduct this test, you will need a glass of cold water, fireproof gloves, a set of pliers, and a lighter. 

To test the authenticity of the diamond, you will have to heat it for 30 to 40 seconds. Next, put it in cold water directly using the pliers. Now, observe how the stone reacts. If the diamond shatters, it is made of weak components; hence, it is not real. Weak materials like cubic zirconium are made of weak materials. They crack easily because of the fast heat expansion and contraction.  

However, a real diamond is unresponsive to high temperatures or heat. Therefore, it doesn’t break or shatter because it doesn’t react to heat. In fact, diamond is the strongest material and isn’t affected by temperature changes or heat dispersion.

Is the dot test effective for spotting a fake diamond? 

The dot test is conducted for transparency. If you have a loose diamond, place it face down on the newspaper text. If the text in the newspaper is readable, you know it’s a fake diamond. However, this test is combined with multiple other tests because the results may not be reliable for poorly cut or under half-a-carat stones.

Can you explain the sandpaper test?

Yes. This is also one of the many tests performed to identify a fake diamond. This test works by rubbing the diamond against the sandpaper. Please note that a real diamond is a 10 on the Mohs scale. Hence, they don’t get scratched easily by the rough surface of the sandpaper. But if it is fake, it will likely be softer and eventually get scratched immediately. 

Wrapping Up

To sum up, multiple ways exist to determine a diamond’s authenticity. Simply follow the tips and tricks shared above to make a confident investment. If you don’t have the time for this grind, consider visiting a trusted and reputed boutique for diamond shopping. Stop by at ADB.

Australian Diamond Brokers has been in the business for nearly half a century and has built a stellar reputation in the industry. We specialise in loose diamonds and diamond engagement rings in Sydney. Browse our website or visit our boutique today to shop for real diamonds. Our seasoned and dedicated diamond specialists can provide quality assistance throughout your purchase journey.

by Sonny Hovsepian : June 20th 2024 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.