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A guide to lab-grown blue diamonds

Blue Lab Grown Diamonds

Blue diamonds are some of the world’s most beautiful and rare gemstones. They are also among the most expensive, with prices reaching upwards of $1 million per carat. While natural blue diamonds are incredibly rare, a new type of blue diamond has been created in laboratories that are identical to its natural counterpart in every way. These diamonds are known as lab-grown blue diamonds, offering a more affordable alternative to natural blue diamonds. This blog post will explore everything you need to know about lab-grown blue diamonds, from their creation process to their properties.

What are blue diamonds?

Blue diamonds get their colour from trace amounts of boron impurities in the diamond crystal lattice. While natural blue diamonds are incredibly rare (and thus, very expensive), it is possible to create lab-grown blue diamonds using a CVD technique (chemical vapour deposition).


In CVD, a small piece of diamond seed is placed in a chamber where it is bombarded with ions. These ions cause the carbon atoms in the diamond to bond together, slowly growing a larger diamond crystal. By carefully controlling the size and shape of the chamber and the type and amount of ions used, it is possible to create blue diamonds that are chemically identical to their natural counterparts.


Meanings of blue diamonds

Blue diamonds are some of the rarest and most sought-after diamonds worldwide. They have been treasured for centuries, and their unique colour has made them symbols of power and beauty.


Blue diamonds are often seen as a symbol of luxury and wealth, are the most expensive type of diamond and are very rare. Blue diamonds represent power, success, and prestige and are often worn by celebrities and other wealthy people.


The blue diamond is a very rare gemstone, and it is believed that only one in every two hundred diamonds mined is a blue diamond. The Hope Diamond, one of the most famous diamonds in the world, is a deep blue diamond.


While all diamonds are valuable, blue diamonds are especially sought-after because of their beauty and rarity. They typically sell for much higher prices than other coloured diamonds. For example, a one-carat blue diamond can sell for over $1 million!


Blue Diamonds vs Blue Sapphires

Both blue diamonds and blue sapphires are beautiful gemstones that have captivated humans for centuries. Both stones are in various colours, from light blue to deep navy. And while they may share some similarities, there are also some important distinctions between these two gems.


For starters, blue diamonds are much rarer than blue sapphires. Natural blue diamonds are some of the rarest gemstones in the world. This rarity drives up the price of blue diamonds, making them one of the most expensive gemstones on the market.


Blue sapphires, on the other hand, are more affordable than blue diamonds. While still considered valuable, they don’t command the same high prices as their diamond counterparts.


Another difference between these stones is that blue diamonds are typically flawless, while blue sapphires often contain inclusions or blemishes. This again comes down to rarity – since blue diamonds are so rare, it’s more likely that any given stone will be free of imperfections.


So, choosing between these two stunning gemstones depends on personal preference and budget. So if you’re looking for a rare and flawless stone with a high price tag, then a blue diamond is the way to go.


What Makes a Blue Diamond Blue?

A blue diamond is a type of diamond that has been chemically treated to create its blue colour. The treatment process involves irradiating the diamond with high-energy electrons, which creates new atoms in the diamond’s structure that absorb light in the blue wavelength range. This treatment is not permanent, and the blue colour will gradually fade. However, it can be re-created by repeating the irradiation process.


The blue colour of a blue diamond is caused by the absorption of light in the blue wavelength range. The creation of new atoms in the diamond’s structure during the irradiation process alters its optical properties and causes it to absorb light in this wavelength range. The intensity of the blue colour will depend on how much light is absorbed, which can vary from one blue diamond to another.


The Different Types of Lab Blue Diamonds

There are a few different types of lab blue diamonds on the market today. The most common type is the CVD blue diamond, which is created through a process of chemical vapour deposition. These diamonds are typically less expensive than natural blue diamonds, but they still have the same beautiful colour.


Another type of lab blue diamond is the HPHT blue diamond. These diamonds are created through high pressure and high temperature, typically having a deeper blue colour than CVD diamonds. HPHT blue diamonds are also usually more expensive than CVD diamonds.


Finally, synthetic blue diamonds are created in a lab using various methods but don’t occur naturally in nature. For example, synthetic blue diamonds can be any colour, including white or yellow, but they’re often cut to resemble natural blue diamonds.


The benefits of lab-grown blue diamonds

Blue diamonds are some of the rarest and most sought-after diamonds worldwide. They have been treasured for centuries for their unique colour, which is caused by trace amounts of boron impurities in the diamond crystal. Natural blue diamonds are extremely rare, with only a handful of known specimens.


This scarcity has made blue diamonds one of the most expensive diamond colours, with prices often exceeding $1 million per carat. But lab-grown blue diamonds offer a more affordable alternative for those who crave the beauty of these rare gems.


Lab-grown blue diamonds are chemically identical to their natural counterparts and exhibit the same stunning colour. But because they are created in a controlled environment, they are much more readily available and significantly less expensive than natural blue diamonds.


So if you’re looking for a unique and beautiful diamond that won’t break the bank, consider a lab-grown blue diamond. You’ll enjoy all the beauty of a natural blue diamond at a fraction of the price!


Popular Lab Blue Diamond Shapes

There are many popular shapes for lab blue diamonds; the most common are round, princess, emerald, and pear. Each shape has its own unique beauty and can be cut to maximise the stone’s brilliance.


Round: Round lab blue diamonds are the most popular shape and are known for their classic beauty. They have a symmetrical shape that makes them perfect for engagement rings and other fine jewellery. 

Princess: Princess-cut lab blue diamonds are very popular for engagement rings and other special occasions. They have a square or rectangular shape with pointed corners.

Emerald: Emerald-cut lab blue diamonds have a unique rectangular shape with tapered corners. They are perfect for those who want a sophisticated look.

Pear: Pear-shaped lab blue diamonds are incredibly popular due to their unique silhouette. They can be worn as stand-alone pendants, earrings, or as accent stones in custom engagement rings and other jewellery pieces.



Although blue diamonds are quite rare in nature, lab-grown blue diamonds are becoming more and more popular. And it’s no wonder they are stunningly beautiful and much more affordable than their natural counterparts. So if you’re looking for a unique piece of jewellery that is sure to turn heads, then a lab-grown blue diamond is worth considering.

So what are you waiting for? Start shopping for your blue lab diamond at Australian Diamond Brokers today!


by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.